Creating an Account

Step-by-Step Instructions

Account Creation

      • On the LMS customer site, click Login/Create Account in the top right corner of the page. 
      • To create a new account, click Create an Account 
      • Fill in the required fields
      • Click “Sign Up”
Forgot your password?

If you have a customer account and forgot your password, click the Forgot Password link in red text under the password field and follow the steps below.

      • Under Current Password, fill in the temporary password.
      • Under New Password, create a secure password that you’ll use in the future. Confirm the same password in the next field.
      • This will prompt you to send a temporary password to the email account you’d like to login with. Confirm the email address and click Send Temporary Password.
      • An email will arrive in your inbox with a temporary password and a link to reset your password. The email will come from
      • Click the link from the email.

Account Management

Once you log into the LMS, you will be brought to My Dashboard. From here, you can:

      • View any workshops you have registered for
      • View any ticket orders you have made
      • View and edit your profile information
      • Register for workshops
To view and edit profile information
      • Click View My Profile on the left. This will bring you to a page with your account information.
      • To change your password, click the red key icon in the top right corner. This will bring you to a page where you can update your password.
      • To update your account information, click the red pencil icon in the top right corner. When you have changed your information, click save. 
      • To close your profile information, click the two left arrows in the top right corner. 

Workshop Management under My Dashboard

In your dashboard you may manage your future workshop registrations or review your previous workshops.

To access a workshop that you’ve already registered for,
      • Click into your “Upcoming Workshop(s)” tab, then onto the workshops link, to access registration information, workshop details, workshop materials, and messages.
To access a workshop that you’ve previously registered for 
      • Click “Past Workshops”
      • Please note that your past workshops which were managed in Eventbrite or another system will not be visible or accessible via this software.
      • All workshop details for workshops listed in the LMS starting June 2023, including dates/times and descriptions, materials, and event messaging, will be accessible through the workshop(s) listed under the Past Workshops tab.
To view your previous purchases,
      • Click on the Orders tab. All orders completed by you will appear in this list
      • Click on the individual Order # link to see order details
      • If you have questions about your order or need to make a change, contact the Approved Trainer who is leading your workshop.
To sign out of the LMS customer site
      • Click the arrow next to your name in the top right corner.